Melissa Williams

Massage therapist treating a client.




Welcome to Intuitive Touch!


In today's world, most of us live busy and stressful lifestyles.  We are overburdened with work and life circumstances. Scientists agree that stress causes actual chemical changes in the brain, and these changes can influence the state of your health. When we take a look at our health we must consider it on multiple levels. Physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually we are affected. Each level is intertwined with the next. 

 Stress causes tension in muscles. Below there is a diagram of the Pain Cycle.


Once we are stressed or our body has encountered illness, trauma, or physical dis-ease our muscles tense in response.  When muscles tense there is a decrease in circulation.  Circulation is crucial in its role.  Blood carries needed nutrients to our organs and muscles.  Lymph (also part of the circulatory system) carries away toxins and metabolic waste.   When there is a decrease in circulation our organs and muscles are not getting the nutrients needed nor is metabolic waste being carried away.  A build up of toxins and metabolic wastes causes pain.  In turn pain causes our muscles to tense, or spasm.  Thus the pain cycle ensues. 

In order to facilitate change in the pain cycle there has to be intervention.  Massage has an immediate effect on muscles, circulation and mood.  Let massage be your intervention. Let it create a new you.  Allow yourself to breathe once again.